Super Cyclone 2012 hollywood movies review

An oil rig off of the coast of America has struck a magma vein causing the water surrounding the rig to become super heated and in turn causing extreme weather to form above it. As the military are hopeless in dealing with the situation, weather expert Dr. Jenna Sparks (Ming-Na Wen – Mulan) and oil rig structural engineer, Travis Verdon (Nicholas Turturro – Three Wise Guys) join forces to try and find a way of stopping things from getting worse and before the extreme weather turns into an unstoppable Super Cyclone and wipes out America.

Like with law which says packets of cigarettes should come with a health warning on them I also think some movies deserve to feature the same. Well not so much a health warning but when you are handed a disaster movie from The Asylum you need to be forewarned that these movies are low budget and on the whole bad. The thing is that there are those of us out there who enjoy bad movies and when I got handed The Asylum’s “Super Cyclone” I knew it was going to be bad and it is what I wanted. I wanted the fake looking effects and the forced acting as well as the general ridiculousness of the set up and I got everything I wanted.

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